Tagged: mobile

Catch Fruit

Game developed by the participants of the Event Game Jam Educ. To find out more about the event go to https://wp.me/p6tZiU-Rj

The Platformachine

The Platformachine its a tool to preview in real time the parameters of the Construct's Platform Behavior.Move the bars and optimize the character (32×32) movement, then you can copy the parameters to your own...

Toy Car racing

This is Toy Car racing (you are the green toy car.) They all said that a toy car could never compete in "real" races but you will prove them wrong with this prototype '3X...


/!\ Click a token to select it , then click somewhere else to put it thereIf you're still stuck , click everywhere, you'll problably find something else to interact with :p/!\ If you have...


MARIOxSANS, MarioTale, UnderMario, chame como quiser, mas o nome é MARIOxSANS; Um simples jogo de recorde, que o objetivo é o jogador controlar o Mario e faze-lo desviar dos ataques de Sans.


Game Android. Complete Free on Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.andinosgames.mcbrunkker&hl=pt_BRIt's a fiction based on the console games of the late 1980s.Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Andinos-Games-173005486811447/?modal=admin_todo_tour